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Image by Simon Berger

Conservation projects in ECUADOR

Get to know the different projects working towards the conservation of small wild felids in Ecuador.


The main objective of the project is to evaluate the state of conservation of the mammal fauna of the Ecuadorian coast, and as a central point the Chongón Colonche mountain range. In the two years of study with camera traps we have a solid scientific base of the distribution and conservation status of L. pardalis, L. wiedii and H. yagouaroundi, in three protected forests that cover the dry forest and humid forest ecosystems. . The next step we seek is to make the surrounding communities aware of the importance of the presence of carnivores in their forests and achieve harmony between carnivores and humans.

The main activities include:

  • Community-based conservation programs to reduce immediate threats 

  • Local, regional, and national government policy alignment and enforcement

  • Raising awareness across a wide spectrum of society

  • Monitoring our threat reduction progress

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